See what others wrote, and let me know what YOU think :-)
If you own a Mehari, send me a
picture and I'll add it to your comments !
Maletschik Guy - 05/22/00 21:25:00 My Country: France |
Comments: Bravo, quel travail. |
João Pedro Ângelo - 05/19/00 01:24:43 My URL: My Country: Portugal |
Comments: Hi! Good site with a lot of information about the mehari. I visit it with more attention because a friend of mine is restoring a mehari and i already passed him your site adress. Me and him have a 2CV Website. You are invited to take a look. |
m de ponti - 05/16/00 21:25:55 My Country: netherlands |
Comments: fantastische enkele jaren geleden een id 19 gerestaureerd te hebben ben ik nu getroffen door het mehari virus .veel nuttige tips aangetroffen. |
Marc Arnall - 05/06/00 15:23:02 My Country: U.K. |
Comments: I want to buy a Citroen Mehari in reasonable condition. Any help would be appreciated. This is a most useful site. |
Francis Decelle - 04/19/00 22:58:00 My Country: Belgium (Tongeren) |
Comments: Hopeloos op zoek naar Mehari.............. |
Terry Kekic - 04/18/00 02:17:19 My Country: USA |
Comments: In my younger days I owned an Ami-6 and a Mehari. Such wonderful memories. Kent State University class of 1973. What a great college car the Mehari was. Love to have one again! What a great toy it could be. T. Kekic |
Jüri Kann - 04/14/00 15:24:11 My URL: My Country: Sweden |
Comments: Thanks for a wonderful page. During the sixties i had a lot of 2CV-s, and now I´m looking for my first Mehari. I think your "manual" will be my best friend in the garage. Do you know the prices for Meharis in "good running conditions"? Regards Jüri Kann |
cutonu - 03/31/00 17:18:56 My Country: corsica |
Comments: i will have a translation of your website |
Elco van Es - 03/29/00 20:42:21 My URL: My Country: Nieuw-Vennep |
Comments: Mooie site en goed gedaan die restauratie van je karretje. SUPER. |
Zoran Buneta - 03/21/00 11:51:11 My Country: Croatia |
Comments: Hy! My name is Zoran and I am coming from Croatia.I am 23. Must say that your Mehari pages are most impresive and I wish that I had conectin to internet 2 years ago when my father,brother and me bought Mehari.My Mehari is 24 years old.We are very proud on our Mehari because in whole Croatia ther is only 2 or3 Mehari cars.People up here dont know anything about that cars.When we bought it,Mehari vas in very bad condition and whole reparetion took lots of money as well as time.Now it looks perfect(strong green color)and we use it almost every day.Here in Croatia during the hot summer times Mehari is better han any other car.I wish i can send you some pictures of my Mehari but I dont know how to do it.Hope to stay in touch. Zoran |
Stephen Caines - 03/17/00 11:14:00 My Country: England |
Comments: I'm mad for all Citroens, but in particular the Ds & old 2 Cv's - I have three DS's & am looking to restore 2 of them. I am allways in need of good panels, such as doors wings etc ................. If u know of any please email me as I would be very interested |
Takashi Sugimoto - 03/16/00 08:15:17 My Country: Japan |
Comments: I own a Mehari 4WD (2 seats).In Japan, Mehari is very rare (Maybe less than 10). So I get information and parts from France (Mehari Club De Cassis). I enjoyed your homepage very much. Best wishes. |
peter shore - 03/14/00 22:29:36 My Country: uk |
Comments: i like your web site. we have had a mehari in the family for 20 yrs from new. i have recebtly inherited this car and am bringing it to nottingham were i live. as far as i know it's in pretty good condition but i will investigate. i went to a kit car show and there are some useful suspension mods. and carb changes to make to the 2CV. i do intend to do this but maybe after the summer. by the way, do you know if the mehari has a different gearbox/final drive ratio compared to the normal 2CV? ours seems a bit uncomfortable over 80 kmh/50 mph. best regards, peter shore |
chris - 03/14/00 20:48:10 My Email:chrisbradley& Country: birmingham,uk |
Comments: great site |
Ilkka - 03/11/00 17:59:51 My URL: Country: Sweden |
Comments: Mehari is fascinating. Partly because you can't see them in Sweden! I have seen lots of them in the South of France (some of them - unrestorated cars - can you see on my web site). This is really a fascinating web site, too. Makes you want to have one of hese funny but practical Citroen cars. Makes you wonder, too: WHY, WHY does not PSA Group allow Citroen to produce "new" (=retro) Tractions, DS's, 2CV's or Meharis????? |
jose B - 03/08/00 22:47:49 My URL: My Email:CITROBEL@VT4.NET |
Comments: Proficiat; je moet het maar doen hé; op 29 februari 2000 een flinke zoon op de wereld zetten, dat hij de liefde voor Mehari zal erven van zijn pa staat buiten kijf. Leve Tom Sonneville |
Hans Krijger - 03/07/00 19:22:53 My Country: holland |
Comments: Leuk te zien hoe je het allamaal gedaan hebt, mijn exemplaar verkeerd in vergelijkbare staat, je site geeft me in ieder geval iedere week weer moed!!! heb nog wel het een en ander nodig aan onderdelen, stuur mij een e-mail of adressen.BDKT Hans Krijger |
Tom Harper - 03/05/00 05:54:42 My Country: USA |
Comments: I just found your site. It is great! |
LEOPOLDO BERDOU - 03/01/00 18:04:31 My Email:LBERDOU@HOTMAIL.COM Country: URUGUAY |
Rik Kuiper - 03/01/00 16:52:41 My Country: holland |
Comments: I looked at your page just for info about mehari. I was surprised it looks real good. Greetings Rik |
David Allen - 02/14/00 03:18:16 My Country: USA |
Comments: 2CV Specialist, consultant to owners, prospects and the trade. |
- 02/11/00 07:46:22 |
Comments: congrats on the marriage! it was amazing to see meharis in such good condition. mine, (as i said before), is a very poor cousin, working every day, and real bashed. No money as yet for the basket case, (these expensive hobbies!). But the mehari has been a great work car for my business and saved me far more money than it cost. think I'm going to drive over to san francisco bay and take a photo of the beast at sunset and e-mail it to you. did the last photos work? |
Bill Stevenson - 02/09/00 07:14:37 My URL: My Country: USA |
Comments: WOW!! There are lots of changes and additions to your site, well done. It's been well over a year since I visited your site. I'm sure dragging my feet. You are rebuilding my excitement to get at my Mehari. This year has been crazy, moved from Maine to Del ware with 8 tractor trailer loads PLUS 12 citroens, 2 diesel Vanagons, 2 Ford trucks, 1 MB 200D. I must send you a photo soon of my Mehari. Best Wishes to All. Bill & tucats :o)) >^^<>^^<** Ok to print my comments :o)) |
Moujan - 02/09/00 05:58:49 My Country: USA |
Comments: I bought the 58th Mehari that roled out of the factory in Iran late 1960s. I loved it. I now live on San Diego, but am ready to go to Iran and gety one for myself. |
ROBERT STERCQ - 02/04/00 13:56:49 My Country: belgium |
Comments: superbe site ! J'ai terminé la restauration de la méhari 1979 de mon épouse (sa première voiture neuve). J'ai rencontré les mêmes problemes de boulons inox et de sièges délicats à enlever (pour le remontage des sièges, j'ai soudé des écrous sous le cadre de fixation des sièges). .J'ai remplacé toute l'armature arrière et les barres latérales par des pieces neuves du méhari club cassis. l'armature avant était OK et n'a pas demandé de soudure. toutes les pièces carrosserie ont été réparées et repeintes en suivant les conseils du ca alogue méhari club cassis.Dommage que je n'ai pas connu ce site plus tôt. quoi qu'il en soit le résultat final est super. a bient^t sur le site, robert. |
Paolo Salviato - 01/25/00 15:51:26 My Country: italy |
Comments: Beatiful site !!from very Mehari fan |
sarkis - 01/22/00 14:38:45 My Country: England |
Comments: Keep the mehari alive. Srks |
michael spexarth - 01/19/00 06:57:42 My Country: usa |
Comments: I have a '69 american model.ten years.i think i have fixed just about everything once except the engine and trans.I get 65 m.p.h. on the freeway in california. it is smog exempt. I use it every day. Recently recieved offer to build one from parts so i nee your site. Thanks, and keep driving!!! |
Jose B - 01/17/00 17:44:17 My URL: My |
Comments: De foto's zijn prachtig Philippe. |
austin peterson - 01/13/00 07:41:40 My URL: My Country: usa |
Comments: in 1980 my dad bought a1970 mehari for 500 dlls.I THOUGHT HE WAS NUTS.than i sat in a garage kept that was wrecked,it was very dads would only go 50 kmph.than i followed one going uphill on the fwy,it was going dad said if i could m ke it go faster he would give it to me.readjusted the brakes (plus moderate restoration) and off i went in my main car for five years.i still have it and plan to restore it in two years when the registration fees go back down. p.s. do you know don r dgers?he is the guy who bought the wrecked and was extremely helpfull and interesting in my restoration. |
Lefteris Rigopoulos - 01/10/00 16:35:16 My Country: Greece |
Comments: Congratulations for your wedding. Soon I'll be in a position to send you photos of my conversion 4X4 Visa II wich I made. |
maarten - 01/10/00 12:28:34 My Country: nl |
Comments: dus jij bent net als ik helemaal gek van dat autotje. zelf rijdt ik in een totaal gerestaureerde twee zits mehari uit 1973 zij is origineel nederlands (eb-84-83) en is in de kleur AC201 (rouge hopi. ze is in het voorjaar 1999 weer op de weg gekomen en ik eb er nu 5000 km mee gereden naar volle tevredenheid lachen vooral in de zomer zonder deuren dan kun je al die patsers in hun cabrioletjes uitlachen jij rijdt toch meer open dan zij!!! ik ben ook op veel meetings aanwezig (behalve die van de mehari club) oals die van CCNL daar ben ik dan te vinden bij het Citrofieltje (boeken en miniatuuren) dit zijn erg goede vrienden van mij. Ik hoop je eens tegen te komen en veel succes met je pagina! maarten |
declerck - 01/10/00 12:27:24 |
Comments: voor de geintresseerden heb 4 perfecte deurtjes voor diane te koop ook achter deurtje niks van roest ! bel me 075/48 68 96 |
DAVID DESABLENCE - 01/07/00 10:26:17 My Country: France |
Comments: Meilleurs voeux à toi Philippe et ton épouse... Je suis de nouveau sur le web mais à cette adresse uniquement àtrès bientot |
Marc Binard - 01/02/00 03:17:01 My Country: Bahamas |
Comments: Have loved Meharis since I was a child.Have owned several 2-cvs.I was born in Leuven but now live in the Bahamas.Would love to own a mehari.A white mehari has just moved to my island of abaco.This has rekindled my love of meharis! |
Konrad Hug - 12/29/99 22:17:58 My Email:Konrad_Hug@CompuServe Country: Switzerland |
Comments: I confess I murdered once back in '75 in Mallorca a Méhari, missing the 4th gear and finding the 2nd, an action which blocked the clutch and 'overrevved' the engine. But I still have a very good memeory of this very nice car and supposed I had the space a d time I would like to have a Méhari! A very nice site - congratulations! Regards Konrad |
- 12/28/99 12:36:57 |
Comments: |
JIM KELLEY - 12/26/99 23:47:14 My Email:ABARTH219MM@WEBTV.NET Country: USA |
George Hranov - 12/26/99 15:55:47 My Email:GEORGE@NTOWN.COM Country: USA |
Comments: Great side Thank you |
louis deligny - 12/21/99 21:00:43 My Country: australia |
Comments: thankyou for your interesting details and pictures.i also fell for the car during my youth but unfortunately no cars were imported into australia so it was a distant love affair. and you have spurred me on thankyou and wishes fro christmas and the new year.louis |
JIM KELLEY - 12/20/99 06:42:13 My Email:ABARTH219MM@WEBTV.NET Country: U.S.A. |
JIM KELLEY - 12/20/99 06:41:07 My Email:ABARTH219MM@WEBTV.NET Country: U.S.A. |
CEO - 12/16/99 07:35:32 My URL: My Country: CANADA |
Comments: I was very surprised to see other results from HOTBOT search for the word 'Mehari', as to my knowledge, I'd created that word as the name for my organization. What does 'mehari' mean for you? I chose it as properly pronounced, it means 'echo' in Korean. T Seburn |
sneyers hugo - 12/16/99 04:31:06 My Country: belgium |
Comments: Hallo Phillip... ik ben nog maar enkele weken bezig op internet maar een van de eerste woorden die ik intikte was 'citroen mehari' en groot was mijn verwondering toen ik de sites te zien kreeg. Ik zelf ben 46 en mehari bezitter sinds 1976 .. hetwagentje i van 1970 en heb ik indertijd gekocht voor de prijs van 1500 Fr. Hij had langs achter een aanrijding gehad en daardoor was het chasis geplooid. Ik heb toen bij de oud-ijzer handelaar een AMI gekocht en op dat chasis de mehari terug opgebouwd. Ik rij er va daag nog steeds mee rond.... ben er vorig jaar ook mee in Chevetogne geweest... hoop je eens te ontmoeten op een of andere samenkomst... mijn woonplaats is Tongeren (limburg) ... groetjes Hugo. |
Will van den Ende - 12/15/99 21:15:42 My Country: Nederland |
Comments: Philippe, Eindelijk heb ik mijn oranje carrosserie kunnen ruilen tegen een vert montana carrosserie. Het plastic is in zeer goede staat vier zits kuip. Het opbouwen kan nu beginnen. Ik heb op de "Te koop gevraagd" pagina enkele advertenties geplaatst,zodat nog meer mensen Mehari kunnen gaan rijden. De Mehari,s staan wel allemaal in Nederland,maar dat hoeft denk ik geen probleem te zijn. Met vriendelijke groet, Will |
- 12/14/99 20:47:41 |
Comments: |
Chris Stuart - 11/26/99 04:19:30 My Country: Australia |
Comments: Fantastic pages, I am doing the same to a 2CV. Thanks for the most informative articles. Regards, Chris Stuart |
Kalle - 11/16/99 07:57:20 My Country: Italy |
Comments: nice.... |
VAN DE PEER JOHAN - 10/31/99 22:45:03 My Country: BELGIE |
Comments: Zeer mooi.Misschien komen we elkaar wel een tegen op een of andere 2cv meeting. Black and chrome 2cv JLP 093. |
Clayton Loushay - 10/22/99 15:38:54 My Country: USA |
Comments: I'm glad to have found your site. I have formerly owned two Mehari and would like to get back into another one. Keep up the good work. |
Richard - 10/22/99 13:36:51 My URL: My Country: Nederland |
Comments: Mooie site, ik ben zelf samen met mijn zusje ook co-ouder van een mehari uit 1970. Mehari it's fantasy... |
- 10/10/99 15:07:11 |
Comments: |
GIORGIO - 10/10/99 15:06:54 My Email:USYMA@TIN.IT Country: ITALIA |
coenraad robbertsen - 10/06/99 19:16:20 My Country: nederland |
Comments: Leuke pagina's Kon niet alle jpg bestanden in full size krijgen |
Steffen Andersen - 10/03/99 22:38:36 My URL: My Country: Denmark |
Comments: I folloved your first attempt to get your pages on your site to lokk good. Now i returned to have a look again, and was amazed what fine job You have done, not only to Your Mehari, but also in respect to the pages here! I am stunned quite numb! I am mysel in the middle of the proces restoring MY Mehari... and therefore I certainly can follow every step You have been through! It is a beaute! I do not think My Mehari will be quite as thoughroly treaten as Yours! I must say it is a nice experience to see all Your Work! At the same time I have My Mehari under construction, I am assembling a 1987 2CV. Every day I drive in a 1983 2CV, but if I can hold up "the flag"....hmm I have at the least 2 or 3 more 2CV's to work on... My goal is to have a 2CV with a hard top, for our sour winters here in Denmark, and my Mehari for the fine summers... :-D the other 2CV's if i can find the energi to restore them too, is to finance the whole see :-) Thank You for the look to Your sites and of Your beautiful Mehari! :-)) Did You buy Your spareparts at Cassis?! I especially thik of the front?! And bonnet? My Mehari has been through a small crash too (Just some bending of the tubes, and cracking of the ABS plastic... So I consider to change these two parts...instead of tryi g to mend it :-)) Hi from Steffen Copenhagen Denmark |
Chris Ottewell - 10/01/99 21:36:22 My Country: UK |
Comments: Still searching for a good Mehari at a sensible price! |
Chris Ottewell - 10/01/99 21:35:44 My Country: UK |
Comments: Still searching for a good Mehari at a sensible price! |
Daniel de los Campos - 09/30/99 12:01:42 My Country: Uruguay |
Comments: Yo creía que era el único fanático de estos autos pero ya veo que existen varios, poseo una Mehari año 73 hace 3 años, de a poco la estoy arreglando pero no he podido conseguir un manual, donde puedo conseguir uno?. Felicitaciones por la página |
- 09/25/99 21:02:50 |
Comments: |
sonneville caroline - 09/25/99 13:48:20 My Country: belgium |
Comments: zo een mooi koppeltje, precies of ik ken ze van ergens... Is het waar dat er al een mehari kindje op komst is ? dikke kus line |
Marcos Soveral - 09/18/99 11:29:38 My Country: Portugal |
Comments: |
- 09/10/99 16:42:23 My |
Comments: Hi Philippe, Nice site. Since some time, interest in the Méhari has been growing. Time and financial means slowly become available, so it is time to start looking for a Méhari to buy. Any suggestions on a good address? In Belgium or in France? Restoration is a prime objective. Hope to hear from you. Thanks Jan Marquenie Wilsele - Leuven |
Hero Eerligh - 09/05/99 19:33:29 My URL: My Country: Holland |
Comments: Leuke huwelijksfoto's, mijn felicitaties. Heb sinds kort ook eigen homepage die uit een groot Meharigehalte gaat bestaan. Groeten, Hero Eerligh. |
kim petersen - 08/28/99 04:47:53 My Country: denmark |
Comments: I had a Mehari for 3 month, but never got around to restoreing it. But I spent some nice time dreaming about summerdayes in it ! I'm almost crying - looking at your lady - But mine was nicer... ;) |
robin & heather - 08/22/99 14:22:17 My Country: England |
alain michiels - 08/18/99 07:07:52 |
Comments: gefeliciteerd met uw huwelijk en tot binnenkort |
Jaap Frickers - 08/17/99 20:54:42 My Email:113564, Country: Nederland |
Comments: Hoi, Heel interessant die restauratie. Ben door mijn vader (had zelf 8 2cv´s) gek geworden van Citroen. Heb nu zelf een Charleston (ligt uit elkaar om op te knappen), sinds maart 1999 een AK 400 en in de vakantie heb ik in Frankrijk een Mehari uit 1976 gekoch , beige en in een goede staat (oh wat blijven dat chassis´ en dat subframe toch mooi in dat land!!). Moet nu nog wachten op de keuringsdatum van 30 augustus en dan kan het rijden beginnen. Er zitten natuurlijk wel wat zaken aan de wagen die verb eterd mo ten worden (een aantal scheurtjes in het ABS en sommige delen van de huif moeten vervangen worden), maar ik denk dat ik heel veel aan jouw beschrijving heb! Wil misschien ook wel eens lid worden van een de Mehari vereniging, dus als je me daar meer over unt vertellen? Intussen succes met alle nog komende werkzaamheden! Met vriendelijke groet, Jaap Frickers |
Erwin Henkes - 08/13/99 08:39:48 My Email:HENKESSEN@YAHOO.COM Country: NETHERLANDS |
Comments: Geweldige site. Ben al heel lang gek van het model vande Mehari, alleen nog niet eerder in verdiept. Mijn broer is Volvo fan en sleutelt en restaureert. Heeft twee Amazon's en een Katterug. Helaas heb ik niet de tijd en de handigheid hiervoor. Ben eigenli k van plan om op zoek te gaan naar een goede Mehari. Heeft u misschien goede adressen? |
Jose - 08/10/99 16:23:56 My URL: My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Proficiat met jouw huwelijk. Het was een eer te mogen meerijden in jouw suite, de mehari's hadden veel succes. |
Egbert Handwerker - 07/25/99 16:49:07 |
Comments: Hallo Philippe, I hope the Mehari is ready to start for your wedding. If not, don´t wait with the wedding because Annick is worth to be your Nr. one. all the best from germany Egbert |
paul vermeulen - 07/19/99 13:40:04 My Country: holland |
Comments: Nice site, good photo's from the restauration. Good info....and nice car. I always enjoy the look of the car, when i'm in the south of france. |
Rivey - 07/18/99 13:41:17 My Country: France |
Comments: WELL WELL WELL !!!!! Very very great ! I think your "site" is really really inetresting... I'm 20 years old, and my father bought a new mehari in 1980 (in France, Paris). I grew up with her, and i love her. Now, since we don't use she as offen as we did, we decided to put her in our second house in the middle of the France (the mehari is now in Paris). The trip beginns on tuesday morning, and i hope everything is going to be ok : 600 km... Whatever i can tell you that your "site" gave me the mind to work on this fabulous car... Thanks and maybe i write you later if i decide to work on she and meet some problems... (excuse me my awful english, i haven't wrote it since a few years..) Thanks again... Bye ! |
alessandro.. - 07/17/99 19:28:32 My Country: Sweden |
Comments: Hello! I´m an HY-van 69 owner and my dream is to own an mehari, it´s very rare in Sweden. |
Pedro Alfacinha - 07/15/99 17:11:19 My Country: Portugal |
Comments: Nice pics keep on the good work |
Kurt Godefroid - 07/15/99 11:55:30 My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Ik rij reeds 5 jaar met een 2pk Spécial van 1982, maar ik vind een mehari nog mooier dan een 2PK. Daarom ben ik vorig jaar op zoek gegaan naar een Mehari om te restaureren. Ik heb er na lang zoeken ook een gevonden en dit voor een redelijke prijs. Hij is van 1973. Oorspronkelijk was hij rood van kleur, maar hij was herspoten (herschilderd met de borstel) in het wit. Ik heb de Mehari reeds volledig gedemonteerd. Momenteel ben ik bezig met een nieuw frame aan het maken. Ik moet ook nog een ander chas is hebben, want het was volledig gescheurd. Dus ik zal nog heel wat werk hebben... Ik heb ook nog een 2PK van 1963 staan om te restaureren. Dit zal wel nog een tijdje duren, want eerst moet mijn mehari klaar zijn. De bedoeling is dat hij volgend jaar in de zomer klaar is. Ik vond het zeer interessant om uw site te bezoeken. Ik heb veel ijgeleerd om mijn mehari te restaureren. Uw site is ook overzichtelijk. Ik werk trouwens in een reclamebureau, waar oa. website gemaakt worden..... Deze zomer (meerbepaald : volgende week) ga ik met mijn 2PK Spécial naar de weereldmeeting in Griekenland. Ik ben trouwens lid van 2PK CLUB 'De Gekke Bolides' in Kortrijk. We zullen binnenkort ook een eigen website hebben met onze 2PK CLUB Groeten, Kurt |
- 07/09/99 18:52:58 |
Comments: |
Phil Hopewell - 07/08/99 17:18:52 My URL: My Country: UK |
Comments: I have got an 86 2cv Special to restore this summer, they're cool, but Meharis are cool on a stick! |
Lars - 07/08/99 12:33:40 My URL: My Country: Turkey |
Comments: We need entutiasts like you, good luck!! |
mehari - 07/07/99 10:54:04 |
Comments: de inrichters |
Eric Michiels - 07/06/99 20:51:14 My Country: Belgie Oostende |
Comments: prachtige site ...leest als een thrillerroman..schitterende foto's By the way..zou je weten wat er gebeurd is met de Mehari van de garcon van Old Ghent (1985-86) en later eigenaar van de Sebastopol (1987-88).. Het was zo'n grasgroene met een sticker op (vergeet ik nooit) "Just visiting this planet" Keep in touch EM |
martine - 06/29/99 10:21:35 My Country: NL |
Comments: Hele leuke en mooie homepage!!!!! Ben zelf ook Mehari freak!!!!! Net mee op vakantie geweest en het was fantastisch!!!!!!!!! Groetjes (heb ook e-mail gestuurd) |
Erwin - 06/28/99 10:49:28 |
Comments: See the pictures of the mehari meeting in Ghent 26/06/99 |
Johnny Marsden - 06/24/99 13:38:15 My Country: England |
Comments: Philippe, I have a present for you, but I`ve lost your E-mail address. Please contact me. Johnny. |
Michel PAIN - 06/22/99 14:51:30 My Country: France |
Comments: I'm also an addict as I got one dated 1976 that I purchased already restored at GJP at Maulevrier in France |
Antonio Cancelliere - 06/21/99 14:49:34 My Country: USA |
Comments: Hi! I own a '78 Mehari in pretty good shape. I found your page awesome and I got very useful hints for my planned restoration project once I am back in Italy. Please keep updating your site with those useful hints! Antonio |
Andrew Sanborn - 06/20/99 15:39:07 My Country: NH, USA |
Comments: I have a 73 mehari for sale |
Juan Pablo Pinto - 06/08/99 18:12:09 My URL: My Country: ARGENTINA |
Comments: Nice Page you've got here, I'm trying to put up mine, but I guess it woun't be 100% mehari dedicated. I'll send you a picture of my mehary as soon as I can. |
Vlaeminck Koen - 05/31/99 10:41:59 My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Dag Philippe, Eindelijk ik heb je site gevonden & bekeken en ik kan allen maar zeggen dat ze even mooi en perfekt is opgebouwd zoals je mehari. P.S. Ik ben de VW Kever fanaat die je vader zijn brilkever '52 heeft gekocht.Stuur mij a.u.b. uw e-mail adres eens door want ik heb nog enkele vragen over de kever. Groeten aan uw vader & uzelf en tot nog eens, Koen. |
Rems - 05/28/99 20:11:22 My Country: Hyeres (France) |
Comments: Très belle page web, felicitation. Moi aussi j'adore les Mehari |
indyjones - 05/27/99 07:53:03 My Country: belgium |
Comments: Hoi Vandaag,27 mei 99, na 4 jaar terug een mehari (rood 71) gekocht ! de 4de nu ! dus terug aan het werk en zorgen dat hij deze zomer nog rijdt ! groeten |
Milton S. Zuroff - 05/20/99 18:01:01 My URL: My Country: USA |
Comments: I don't understand where your find the time, patience and energy to restore autos; I can barely find the time and patience to keep my primary means of transportation running, a 1990 Dodge Dynasty with 126,000 miles on it. I really enjoy the photos. |
Hero Eerligh - 05/18/99 13:13:35 My Country: Netherlands |
Comments: Tevens een Meharibezitter oranje 2 zitter 1979, compleet gedemonteerd en opgebouwd, Dit is nr.2, nr 1 is van mijn broer die te bezichtigen is op www.geocities/baja/cliffs/2403 spreek je nog wel. leuke site! |
Webmasters' comments :
now look what a nice job Hero and his brother have done ! They went through all the
restoration phases and it seems they had even more work then I had :-)
Fantastic job guys, and I love the color !
Mieske - 05/15/99 20:28:48 My Country: Mallorca |
Comments: Finally my own Mehari!! I am from Holland but live and work in Mallorca. Finally i have my own mehari, the only thing missing is the reardoor! what's a normal price when finding one? |
Jörgen Boumans - 05/12/99 09:48:12 My URL: My Country: holland |
Comments: nice side, and a cool car. i have a '87 mehari in about the same condition as yours. take a look at |
Maria - 05/08/99 16:14:34 My Country: California, USA |
Comments: I own two Mehari's both 1970 models. I love them and struggle to keep them both alive. I have marked your site so that I may refer to it in the futher. My next challenge is body cracks. If you have any more thoughts on the subject I'd love to hear from you. Thanks! Maria |
senlis - 04/27/99 10:18:25 My Country: FRANCE |
Comments: la méhari est une voiture formidable, c'est pourquoi malgrès son age elle continu à faire des heureux. Bravo pour ton site internet. au revoir Gautier. |
Lefteris L. Rigopoulos - 04/26/99 09:55:25 My Country: Greece |
Comments: Dear Philippe, I found you at last, I hope you already made your restoring to your Mehari. I f you need any graphics for the restoring your web page just let me know. Its very beautifull right now already. Best wishes Lefteris and many thanks for my Visa picture including to your gallery. |
Johnny Marsden - 04/13/99 22:39:04 My URL: My Country: UK. London. |
Comments: Retired financialy defeated from DS ownership. Now embarking on exploration of the A-Types. Where better to start than on a Mehari? Found an unloved one in Wales and towed it home last Friday. It`s pretty tatty but most of it is there. Needs a complete new set of canvas and a tailgate, but further exploration not yet attempted. I predict many more references to your site over the next few months. Be in touch again soon, no doubt. |
MEHARI CLUB DE FRANCE - 04/13/99 20:04:27 My URL: My Country: France |
Comments: De la part de Nicolas ROBERT qui vient faire un petit tour sur ton site. Amitiés à toi Philippe, nouvel adhérent du MEHARI CLUB DE FRANCE. Faites comme Philippe rejoignez un club dynamique !!! |
Sune - 04/03/99 01:08:39 My Country: Denmark |
Comments: Interesting site. I own a second model mehari. It is fitted with a 652 cc Visa engine. I am always looking for tips and information for the daily maintenance and future improvements. I run my Mehari all year, and have just suvived a danish winter. Best regards |
Boumans Jurgen en Jack - 04/02/99 19:29:36 My Country: The Netherlands |
Comments: Thanks for the information on your home page. We have a Mehari made in 1987 (colour: beige hocker ) 2 sits. Send you soon more news and a picture from our Mehari. Again thanks for your information Many greerings from Maastricht in the Netherlands. |
Alex - 03/21/99 20:23:29 My Country: Austria |
Comments: I like your site! Unfortunately Ihave two left hands when working on cars, but fortunately I bought my 1980 Mehari (I think we own exactly the same one) in a great condition - NO rust, canvas keeps me dry, all the plastic was mainly ok - and it was cheap lso. What shall I tell you - I love the car most of the time, and when I don´t like, I think of my children (4 + 6 years), who love the car, and then I know, that it is my duty to keep this car running for my children, consider, we are the last generation, tha saw "real old cars" running in real life! By the way, did you know the meaning of the word mehari - race dromedary!? Good Luck with restauration, Alex |
Patrick Briant - 03/19/99 09:21:25 My URL: My or Country: france |
Comments: Salut Philippe, super travail ... je suis en train de faire la meme chose avec une mehari 1983. J'ai deja appris des trucs grace a tes descriptions / conseils. Keep on the good pace buddy. Merci encore. |
- 03/17/99 09:28:43 |
Comments: thank you for the job.Will be back again for more. Michel. |
Paul Feinstein - 03/06/99 22:39:33 My Country: USA |
Comments: Ineresting site. In years past I have owned three Meharis. My first was brand new from Don Runnals in Santa Monica , Ca . I later owned two used ones. I dont own any Citoens at present. Good luck on your project. |
Mattijs - 03/05/99 18:08:15 My Country: The Netherlands |
Comments: Hi there, you fanatic Mehari lover! It's great to see your site. We have plans to go to spain and try to buy a good old mehari there. We would be very happy with some tips: how can we find them and how much money should we save. Your page with the red and green zones will already help us a lot. Thanks for that and we hope that you like to help two young and very enthousiastic guys. And don't forget to admire your mehari every second! Greetings, Thijs and Mattijs |
Gerard - 03/04/99 21:38:01 My Country: Holland |
Comments: Ik ben al enige tijd opzoek naar info over Fulda mobil. Kunt u mij verder helpen ? Bijvoorbaat hartelijk dank. Gerard. |
muni - 03/03/99 17:41:20 My Country: india |
Comments: Hello ...gosh your home page is really interesting ...I guess you have been working on your mehari for some now...well guess what ..I have a 2cv chassis in super codition..engine just rebuilt .. it works really nice but...I don't have a body for it.. do you think it would be possible to send me the dimensions of the mehari body??? or do you know of any website that I could down load the dimension of the mehari that I can build it my self ..please reply to my E.mail address thank you .....hope to hear from you ..... |
Bons Philippe - 03/01/99 16:02:11 My Country: France |
Comments: I just bought my own mehari 2 days ago, so having a look at your site gave me some idea on how to make a little restoration on my car. I was very interested in how to repare ABS body. My car is a running 1976 model with a very bad body but a perfect engine and a near perfect frame and chassis. I am only thinking in repairing the body (with some new panels) and to repaint it in its original color. |
raymond - 02/24/99 18:41:58 My Country: holland |
Comments: hi, mehari dude I bought a '69 red mehari from a winemaker in dijon France. I have this car for two years now. I've also been to Paris with the Mehari Club Cassis Sorry i'm running out of time. All the best Raymond |
PF Nihant - 02/20/99 21:57:10 My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Very nice site! Congratulations for your job.I hope I'll can see the end of it rapidelly.Perhaps I'll do the same in a few weeks.In fact i'll want to buy a Méhari(very rustly)and i'll wait for a price of one near my house.The car stay outside since 4 or 5 years.Now i'm waiting for the owners. Wait and see!!! See you soon. |
Arthur J Smith - 02/15/99 22:02:41 My Country: Ireland |
Comments: First,Congratulations on your site and hello from Dublin in Ireland. I have just started the restoration of a 1980 Citroen Mehari 4X4 and I found your info very useful. I hope to travel to the only source of new Mehari parts in Europe in early April (Easter). For those that do not know this company here is the address. The catalogue lists every Mehari part and accessory you can imagine. They are in the south of France near Marseilles. Mehari-Club Cassis. Tel no. 00-33-442 01 07 68. Fax no. 00-33-442 01 95 80 Web Site HTTP://WWW.mehari club Contact them and request a catalogue. Regards,Arthur |
Tim t' Kint - 02/15/99 17:49:03 My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Fantastische site! Ik beschouw mezelf als een adept in spe en zou graag eens een fanaat vinden die me op een ritje in zijn mehari aanbiedt! Mocht je een mehari in goede staat te koop weten staan, mag je het me ook altijd laten weten. Bellen kan ook op 0495 / 22.88.43. Tim |
lao capo - 02/08/99 20:27:48 My Country: menorca island-spain |
Comments: i need some peace for repair my mehari, please send me adresses please. sorry for my english. you have a wonderfull page. thak you sincerelly lao from menorca island. |
Pine Dolce - 02/08/99 05:19:26 My Country: USA |
Comments: Hi, I drive a 1970 Mehari daily, and I love it. My car is a 'He', and He is a little squeaky. All in all, my car gets me around very well. Its tan with blue seats with a black top. I'm moving to the beach in California in March '99, and I think it will be the BEST beach car in california! Happy motoring:) Pine |
José B - 02/06/99 22:54:21 My URL: My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Hallo Philippe. Zopas nog eens uw zeer geslaagde Meh site bezocht. Keep up the good work. Ik heb ook grote update doorgevoerd aan mijn site. Vooral de pagina's met de Amerikaanse neo classics cars zullen jouw zeker kunnen bekoren. Wel wat geduld hebben met de server; die blijkt heel dikwijls plat te liggen. |
Senelle - 02/06/99 21:09:23 My Country: Belgium |
Comments: |
Kristof Van Raemdonck - 02/04/99 14:08:49 My URL: My Country: Belgium |
Comments: You have a great site ! I visited it because I'm looking for someone to restaure my Mehari. Whole the frame is rust and broken. Please help me. I live in Belsele, near Sint-Niklaas and I'm desperate. I just love my Mehari. Do you know someone who can fix it and what does it cost ? Greatings and thanks anyway, Kristof |
Thomas GOUSSU - 01/30/99 00:07:49 My Country: France |
Comments: Bravo! J'en suis à peu près là moi aussi... Le moteur est à refaire, et toute la mécanique à reprendre, mais la tubulure est en assez bon état. Et la peinture??? Qu'est ce qui tient le mieux? Bon courage pour la suite. |
CHARLES Philippe - 01/29/99 20:32:09 My Country: FRANCE |
Comments: Extrêmement intéressant .Merci pour ce travail. A bientôt en FRANCE l'été prochain si vous passez près de chez nous !!! |
jim barnes - 01/28/99 05:27:05 My Country: usa |
Comments: one of my favorite models. my friend chuck rodgers of pittsburgh pa owned one for years, and got me hooked on hudson. have been club member since 1966. i own 46 com 8 clcp and 53 hornet clcp |
Steffen Andersen - 01/23/99 02:37:45 My URL: My Country: Denmark |
Comments: Hey There Mehari Nerd! I just bought MY Mehari last summer, but due to tha fact, taht I was already restoring 3 2CV's I first got to it this Winter.. I think You have found a Beaute There!! It is not at All that bad! You should see mine then. It's from 1972 And has the traditional instruments (like the 2CV Special) And the plastic body is a much worse state than Yours! Even so, I think I'll manage to get it up and running again! You have got some really nice pictures showing many thing I haven't even found on My model.- Sure the mehary You got hold of is one of the never models! Nice to see though, that others like the Mehari too! :-)) I have always been driving the 2CV, but the Mehari IS something quite special, continuing the Citroën line from the beginning with its canvas roof! I have had a somewhat hard time figuring out how to do the more specific things as I cannot get hold of a Mahari repair book. The electrical wiring was in a total mess, so I really do not know what is what in my car. But nevertheless I just keep on going. All the rust in the frame is mended (Welded), sandblown and Coldgalvanized... That'come since the beginning of the dismantling. I hope to be driving it this summer (-99).. Greetings from steffen PS:(What a nice place and SPACE you have got for the repair. I work in a tiny hut made out of my carport and plastic...! :-D). Hi from Copenhagen, Denmark |
Will van den Ende - 01/22/99 15:31:16 My Country: Nederland |
Comments: Philippe,bedankt voor je bezoek vandaag,het was erg gezellig. Ik vind het leuk om mensen te ontmoeten die ook een Mehari hebben. Je kunt er uren met elkaar over praten,dat hebben wij dan ook gedaan. Intussen heb ik Dirk op de hoogte gebracht van je bezoek en hem verteld dat je de kuip niet hebt meegenomen. Hij vond dit uiteraard helemaal niet erg. Wij komen zeker een keer bij jou op bezoek om je Mehari te bekijken. Sorry,dat ik niets te eten of te drinken heb aangeboden,dit mag de volgende keer niet weer gebeuren. Ook lijkt het mij leuk om met jou een bezoek te brengen aan de Mehari sloop in Frankrijk. Zodra het weer het toelaat ga ik er eerst met Dirk naar toe. Mijn complimenten voor je prachtige Mehari site. |
Jim Myers - 01/08/99 19:01:09 My Country: USA |
Comments: Philippe What a treat! I stumbled on to your site while looking up something else on the net. I recall the Mehari from years gone by. I think I only saw one in the US. Of course Citroen was not a big seller over here. My favorite is the 2CV. I lived in France in the early '60s. I saw plenty of them, along with the then new AMI 6. I was a young guy interested in all kinds of cars and I thought that 2CV was a marvel. Dip stick gas gauge, crank for starting (just in case you ran the battery down), 2 cyl, air cooled, brakes on only 2 wheels. What a concept. How simple things were back then. I think the funniest thing I have ever seen was while on a sight seeing trip. We got caught behind one of the 2CV station wagons. It was loaded down and inching (centimetering?) up hill. My old man whipped around at the first opportunity to pass (after all he had a Mercedes 190!). I looked back and there they were: Monsieur et Madame. Proud as punch! She in her scarf and sweater, he in his blue jacket, dark beret a Gaulois hanging on his lip and a COW between them. Yep! A holstein, almost full grown, looking out the windshield. What a hoot! Poor 2CV must have been maxed out on the long climb up the hill. Things go around as we say. Some years ago I came across a brand new calf alone in a field ...abandoned and no mama on a freezing day. Crows were gathering around ready for dinner. I located the closest farm house and informed the owner of the problem. On my return a couple hours later, the calf is down and the crows picking on him so I stopped and "rustled" the calf. (Its probably still a hanging offence here in Maryland.) I boosted it over the fence to my wife and passed it into my Jeep Wrangler where it took up most of the back and put it head on my wife's lap. Now I have a "hot" cow and am on my way to a family I know who has a dairy for help. Wouldn't you know it, I had to stop a red light and along side pulls a copper. I knew we were dead. Probably an all points alert for the cattle theives..... I quick put my baseball had on the calf's head. Copper looks over and gazes into my Jeep. The look on his face said it all....."Nice Jeep, good lookin' couple, but their kid is sure ugly!" Anyway, you brought back some memories of long ago. Take care! BTW, what you really need is a Panhard Tigre for your collection. |
Nobody - 01/05/99 19:27:13 |
Comments: Very nice pictures... Best regards to your topphotographer... |
David White - 12/20/98 15:15:46 My Country: Spain |
Comments: I think that your web site is very well put together and very interesting. I for one will be visiting it regularly for further updates, keep up the good work. |
Daan - 12/18/98 02:48:14 My Country: Nederland |
Comments: Gegroet Meharist, Leuk dat dat je zo enthosiast over je auto bent. Ik kan er ook uren over praten. De Mehari is de ideale vakantie-auto voor mij.Heerlijk open door een frans dorpje toeren,fles wijn achterin,stokbrood,etc.rond 12 uur stoppen langs een afg legen weggetje, stoeltjes neerzetten, het achterklepje omlaag(ideale picknick tafel!) en genieten maar! Jammer dat er maar zo weinig Mehari-freaks zijn . Trouwens hier in nederland is een zaak die echt alles voor de Mehari levert.Als je vragen hebt over de restauratie of onderdelen kun je me mailen. Groeten en fijne feestdagen, mamens mij en de Mehari, Daan note from the webmaster : this picture Daan made is very nice to use as 'wallpaper' on your Windows95/98 screen. Click it to enlarge and then right click the full picture to save it on your disk ! |
hOPPY - 12/15/98 16:17:45 My Email:HOPPYID@WORLDNET.ATT.NET Country: u.s.a. |
Johan Tas - 12/15/98 11:10:24 My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Knap werk,ik heb er zelf ook 3 (waarvan twee voor restauratie te ...... LOKEREN. |
Luis Pozzi - 12/07/98 18:13:29 My Country: Argentina ![]() |
Comments: I recently bought a white Mehari 74. I´m very happy with it.It´s my first experience with this car. Can I tell you any more? I´ll download the proyect page, since I don´t have to repair yet, but in a future, nobody knows... Congratulations for your work! Luis. |
Mike Roeder - 12/01/98 21:13:14 My URL: My Country: USA ![]() |
Comments: I have a bunch of 2CVs but my favorite to drive is my 1970 Mehari. Sold new in San Diego in 1970; I got it in 1980, sold a few years later then found it again in 1993. Did the similar restoration thing and now use it occasionally for runs to the beach and all around town. When it was newer we drove it all the way to Oregon (800 miles) and back with no doors or side curtains. Now we keep the Mehari closer to home and use our sedan or van to go on trips Cheers Mike |
Bill Heacox - 11/28/98 17:35:45 My Country: California/ United States |
Comments: As a professional restorer, I'm very impressed with the amount of work you are doing to your Mehari, and will be checking back every so often to see how it's going. The thrill of driving your freshly restored car to a meet for the first time after months of dirty, hard and sometimes frustrating work is a moment to be savored, it really does make the scraping and the derusting and the hunting of parts all worthwhile. |
Juan de la Orden - 11/26/98 23:57:37 My Country: Argentina |
Comments: I want to tell you that i have just earn my own mehari and that it is black. I am doing the same as you. Please send me your icq number if your have it or your e mil, my nickm in icq ic mehari, bye. |
Niels Hjortlund - 11/25/98 13:53:59 Country: Denmark |
Comments: I bought my Mehari back in 1982. Cheap at DKK 6.000. Even though the exhaust left the car after 3 kilometers. It drove - in its own way - wonderfully and with a go-kart like steering. And it made me live with the fact, that the right door always sprung open in left turns. Even my 68-year old mother learned to live with it. During winter you grew accustomed to sno om the frontseats - just as much as on the roof - but it was hard to live with all the rain on your feet during showers, coming through the speedometer! Nice car, though. I have fond memories. |
Knops Eric - 11/21/98 13:15:36 My URL: My Country: België |
Comments: Da's goed dat ik dit weet, als ik nu problemen heb met mijn auto, dan kan ik dat eens aan U vragen Phillipe. O ja, bedankt om eens naar mijn homepage te komen. Je moet nog maar eens terug gaan , ik heb ze wat veranderd, zodat je niet te lang moet wachten. En die download die daar op staat die werkt nog niet, maar een mailtje en ik zal er voor zorgen Groeten Knops Eric PS: Als je wil kan ik er iets over Lokeren opzetten hoor, ik heb daar helemaal geen probleem bij. Als je wat info stuurt zal ik dit er wel inwerken. Misschien dat ik dan binnenkort een site heb met informatie over alle eersteklasse clubs. |
Brian - 11/20/98 21:10:55 My Email:BLP@althorpe100 Country: UK |
Comments: Im in the process of building a Lomax with 650 engine converted from a 602 |
Carlos Garrido - 11/17/98 11:41:06 My Country: Madrid (Spain) |
Victor Ros - 11/15/98 12:16:02 My Country: Spain |
Comments: Great site! WE just acquired a '78 mehari, and have begun restoration. Pretty good shape, but still quite some work. Your site has been the most interesting so far, specially regarding your own restoration. Keep it up! Regards Vic |
Juan Pablo Nunez - 11/07/98 03:53:52 My Country: Argentina |
Comments: Congratulations for your hard (but nice) job, I was a Mehari owner too, Additionaly in my country you can still get chassises and bodies for Mehari, we have a version built with a Fiat 128 engine with modified suspension and stearing (run much faster than the original engine), but without its "charme". Congratulations again and go ahead |
Steffen Holberg - 11/03/98 10:25:23 My Country: Danmark |
Comments: I have got 2 Mehari´s too. Really nice car!!! |
luc laurent - 10/24/98 07:25:01 My Country: Belgium ![]() Comment from
the webmaster : |
Comments: Hi Phillipe, Thank you for your great page about The Mehari! I really enjoyed it since I'm currently restoring a 1978 one. (In fact I almost rebuilt it as the chassi aswell as both tubular frames were awfully rusted). I really felt happy to read your page as I discovered a remake of my own feelings about loving, wanting to own and starting to restore a mehari. I'm living in Gembloux (42 km South of Brussels) I restored previously A 1960 Renault 4CV that I use when weather is dry. My mehari is very similar to yours except the original color that was beige (badly painted in orange with a brush!) but I decided to change it to montana green as I feel it closer to nature and it has to be repainted anyway to look good. I finished to reassemble all the mechanics and only outsides panels are still unmounted. I hurried to get it reassembled as I did not want it to pass winter completely dismanteld with hundreds of parts. Now I'll have to wait next year to continue as I don't like working on it in winter time. I won't be longer as I don't want to fill your guestbook on my own but I'll contact you about many issues still pending on my mehari. Cheers Luc |
Jan Verstuyft - 10/19/98 12:58:00 My URL: My Country: Belgium |
Comments: What a change this time, so without these colors. En nu ga ik maar verder doen in het Nederlands. Ik kan misschien al iets van Engels, maar nog niet genoeg om dit berichtje verder te schrijven. Het is inderdaad een grote verandering zonder de kleuren. Maar ge moet toch eens kijken of ge niet een andere combinatie vind. Ik vind dat het iets te contrasterende is. Maar ja wie ben ik om daar iets over te zeggen natuurlijk. |
David DESABLENCE - 10/16/98 12:29:48 My Country: France |
Comments: Hi philippe I didn't know you lived in belgium; I live in Lille, you know this country just after the Belgium border. I hope i'll buy my Mehari soon, i still wait for the answer of the saler. Mine is orange with some holes in plastics especially on left side, the engine is ok and the canvas perfect. I won't hesitate to mail you if i need help in refurbishing it !! David |
DESABLENCE DAVID - 10/05/98 10:35:32 My Country: france |
Comments: Congratulations i just planned to buy a mehari to refurbish it !! I will have to visit your site later David |
Bill Stevenson - 09/25/98 03:51:00 My Country: USA |
Comments: After reading the guestbook it's obvious that you have a HUDSON, although I'm not yet compeled to own one of them I do enjoy traditional music that has somewhat of a folk tale in it. Well there is a bluegrass musician/singer/writer named Randall Hylton th t has produced a song titled "Two Fat Guys in a Hudson Hornet", he has performed it for several years at an annual get together for Hudson owners in wildwood, florida. He can be contacted at; Flag Records, P.O. box 24533, Nashville, Tn., 37202. He has sev ral albums total of bluegrass and he writes for the well known country performers, that's probably how he affords to do the great bluegrass material. onward>> Bill<< |
Bill Stevenson - 09/25/98 03:20:31 My Country: USA |
Comments: I don't have much to say yet as I've not yet viewed the other pages, may not get around to them all tonight, still need to create a large pot of spaghatti sauce tonight and it's now 11:08pm. here. I do have 16-2 cylinder citroens, incl. 4 meharis. You may have somewhere seen myself and "WHIMSY" my 1958 2CV, also you can view it and myself at |
Little Brother - 09/19/98 10:37:47 My Country: Meetjesland |
Comments: * Great site ! Keep up the good work. How about a weekly progress report, since you're working so hard on this mehari project. * The Hudson really does have a great nose. Runs in the family, doesn't it ? * Talking about junkyards, how about posting some pictures of your recent bathroom resoration project ? * One important thing is missing : some pictures of your brother's '79 Honda CBX ! :-)) Good luck! |
Jan Verstuyft - 09/14/98 13:29:39 My URL: My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Ik heb nu ook eens uw pagina gezien, dus moest ik hier toch ook iets schrijven, is het niet. Ze begint er al tof uit te zien deze pagina. Ik zou hier kunnen blijven babbelen, maar dat ga ik niet doen, om uw pagina niet te overlasten. |
Frank Forward - 09/14/98 04:04:24 My Country: USA |
Comments: Great page. I am currently restoring a 54 Hudson Jetliner. I'm having a great time at it and frequently remind myself how much I will enjoy the finished product. From the looks of things, you have already done the hard stuff. keep up the good work. It wil be a beautiful car when you're done. Keep us posted. |
Peter Engle - 09/13/98 08:02:34 My Country: USA |
Comments: Nice page! I will enjoy watching your progress with the Mehari. Mine is a '70 with the big American market headlights. Working on it is easy once I figured out what goes where and how. Good luck with your project. |
Tim Burns - 09/12/98 00:28:06 My Country: USA |
Comments: I like your site,if you join the Hudson Club,you will find some good articles every other month in the WTN (club newsletter) I own two Hudsons 1953 Hornet Club coupe and a 1937 Terraplane that I am in the middle of restoring.I live in Michigan and I really enjoy the club and the other members. |
Doug Eisemann - 09/11/98 00:25:06 My Country: USA |
Comments: Very interesting and informative page! I am a first year college student in Pennsylvania and am crazy about old Saabs and Citroens (especially the DS and 2cv). I am currently restoring a 1971 Saab 96. When I finish fixing up this unique little car, (qu te a few years from now,probably)I hope to search for a 2cv or something. The only problem is that there are very few Citroens, (at reasonable prices) in Pennsylvania. Hopefully I can find someone close by that can get me started! Thanks, Doug E. |
Dave Sollon - 09/09/98 20:51:33 My Country: USA |
Comments: Interesting page. I'll keep watching for updates. Questions on your 34 Hudson 8 Convertible, contact Pete Booz |
Cloyd Steiner - 09/09/98 01:19:14 My Country: USA |
Comments: Good Job on the Web page. I am 62 and about to start enjoying my Stepdown hobby. Have 6 stepdowns and a 57 HASH. Starting my own page under Geo Cities. I enjoy searching for Hudson items for members of the HET. |
Jon Battle - 09/08/98 18:10:59 My Country: USA |
Comments: You have a very nice Hudson, and have done an excellent restoration job! I have a 1937 Hudson Terraplane convertible but it is not as well-restored as yours. Mine was originally exported from America to Denmark, where it remained until 1971, when I purc ased it. When purchased it had a non-standard hood ornament (perhaps because of Danish motor regulations), "trafficator" turn signals, km/h speedometer, special "export" headlight lenses and reflectors, and upholstery with "pockets" in the doors. I repl ced the hood ornament with the standard red plastic zeppelin, removed the trafficators, but retained the km/h speedometer, lenses, and upholstered pockets. Your 1934 may also have features not found on American Hudsons of the period. |
José B - 09/04/98 21:02:06 My URL: My Country: Belgium |
Comments: Hallo Philippe, hier moet ik toch een beetje valse bescheidenheid bij jouw vaststellen. Jouw homepage ziet er potverdikke hééél erg goed uit. Dat belooft in ieder geval voor alle méhariliefhebbers; Jouw link komt op mijn page te staan. Zeker weten. Wel ook wat problemen gehad bij het vinden ervan. garage i.p.v. garages weet je wel. |
Kim Jensen aka Meharidude - 09/04/98 12:50:28 My URL: Country: Denmark |
Comments: Hi Phillippe, your page is looking good already, i only found a few errors:-). the biggest one is that you keep writing a wrong URL, your place is called, not "garages"..but i found it anyway:) The front is attached with 2 bolts, going through the front section of the chassis, so it sounds right. On the upper edge it is held by rivets, we use small bolts since they are easier to get off again. Older headlight-trims are clicked on, not screwed on as you said. Apart from that, i cant find other errors:-)) |
Kim Jensen aka Meharidude - 09/04/98 12:49:34 My URL: Country: Denmark |
Comments: Hi Phillippe, your page is looking good already, i only found a few errors:-). the biggest one is that you keep writing a wrong URL, your place is called, not "garages"..but i found it anyway:) The front is attached with 2 bolts, going through the front section of the chassis, so it sounds right. On the upper edge it is held by rivets, we use small bolts since they are easier to get off again. Older headlight-trims are clicked on, not screwed on as you said. Apart from that, i cant find other errors:-)) |
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