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Mehari Frame and chassis

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bentfrm.jpg (17024 bytes) Due to an accident, the backframe is crooked. But this part needs complete replacement because of rust
weld1.jpg (29223 bytes) Some welding done on the backframe. Still, the jack support has to be added
frmweld.jpg (20318 bytes) My chassis platform and 2 frames on their way to
proceed the welding job. Good observers see that part of the back frame has been done already.

PS : I do the welding but don't own the welding equipment

mouse.jpg (78428 bytes) There seemed to be a small hole in the platform's front side. After cleaning and cutting the bad plate out I detected this mouse-nest in it :-)

Quite a job to get it out !

chashole.jpg (59611 bytes) Another small hole in the back side. I noticed similar holes in other Mehari's. Maybe this is where it starts.